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Internal Complaints Committee of ACB is guided by M. D. University Ordinance: Rules against sexual harassment of women at workplace in accordance with Honourable Supreme Courts guidelines with Vishaka vs. State of Rajasthan case and UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations 2015 (vide MHRD- UGC- Notification dated 02.05.2016). The Supreme Court had held that sexual harassment of women at workplace is against the dignity of women and violates Articles 14, 15(1), 19 (1) (g) and 21 of the Constitution of India. The working rules of ICC, ACB seek to maintain and create an academic and work environment free of sexual harassment for students, academic and non-teaching staff of Aggarwal College Ballabgarh. The SAKSHAM report by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2013 is a comprehensive document highlighting the pressing issues related to women's safety and security within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It proposes actionable remedies to combat sexual harassment, exploitation, and violence, emphasizing the importance of gender sensitization programs on campuses. Unfortunately, many incidents of misconduct remain underreported due to prevailing hierarchies, power dynamics, and societal stigma, despite the existence of explicit guidelines and severe penalties. In response to these challenges, the UGC issued a directive (D.O. No.F.91 -212020(GS)Pt.1, dated June 10, 2021), building upon a previous communication from September 10, 2020. This directive mandates all universities and colleges to establish an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) aimed at addressing sexual harassment complaints and fostering an environment of gender sensitivity within their premises. Our college has adhered to these guidelines by constituting its own ICC, which operates under the framework of the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015. Furthermore, the college is committed to fulfilling its obligations by conducting a thorough Gender Audit and reporting its findings on the SAKSHAM portal (saksham.ugc.ac.in). Recognizing the urgent need for explicit working protocols and directives for the ICC, Aggarwal College Ballabgarh (ACB) is dedicated to ensuring a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and safeguarding the dignity of those seeking justice. The ICC at ACB pledges to foster a respectful and secure environment where students, faculty, and staff can collaborate without fear of violence, harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. This commitment extends to all forms of gender-based violence and sexual harassment, particularly against women. ICC members are also entrusted with providing comprehensive support to individuals reporting instances of sexual harassment.

ICC Members:

S.No. Name of Member Contact No. Email Id
1.Dr. Shobhna Goyal(Presiding Officer) 9891015464shobhnacommerce@gmail.Com
Dr. Alok Deep (NGO Representative)
9891426003, 9891421554alokdeep2145@gmail.com
Adv. Vivek Mittal (Legal Advisor)
4.Sh. Subhash9468135554subhashmdurohtak@gmail.com
5.Dr. Dimple Goyal9468487331dimplegoyal7nov@gmail.com
6.Ms. Usha Chaudhary7838774656contactusha07@gmail.com
7.Dr. Deepmala9991150102lifeofdeep@gmail.com
8.Ms. Ritika Sehrawat9999345707sahrawatritika97@gmail.com
9.Mr. Rakesh Sharma9466667809rkkaushish@gmail.com
10.Ms. Kiran Bhatt9560517621kiranf101@gmail.com
11.Chanchal (B.Com. Final Year)8708734462bhardwajchanchal52@gmail.com
12.Divyanshi (B.Com. Final Year)8218534120sdivyanshi304@gmail.com
13.Bhavish Rathi (B.Com. Second Year)85277 64418ratheebhavish@gmail.com
14.Jatin (BCA Final Year)78270 33905jatin.garg767@gmail.com
15.Vaibhav Mangla (BBA Second Year)9625793432vaibhavmangla673@gmail.com
16.Anjali (M.Com Previous Year)7428201216anjalipathak2621@gmail.com

Objectives of the ICC:
The following are the objectives of the ICC.
(a) To fulfil the directive of the Supreme Court & respective UGC guidelines pertaining to sexual harassment at the workplace.
(b) To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases at the Aggarwal College Ballabgarh.
(c) To ensure the implementation of the directives in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
Sexual Harassment: An unwanted conduct with sexual undertone if it occurs or which is persistent and which demeans humiliates or create a hostile and intimidating environment or is calculated to induce submission by actual or threatened adverse consequences and includes any one or more or all the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely:
i. Any unwelcome physical verbal or nonverbal conduct of sexual abuse.
ii. Demand or request for sexual favors.
iii. Making sexually colored remarks
iv. Physical contacts and advances or
v. Showing pornography.

Workplace: means the campus of the college which includes departments, offices, sections, centres, service areas including library, canteen, playgrounds, Yoga Centre, Shooting Range, Gymnasium and other activity rooms, any place visited by the student or employee on duty of the college, or any study/field tour/study tour recognized/organised by department or College.
Members of the ACB: includes students, teachers, and non-teaching staff of the ACB.
Students: means a person admitted and pursuing a programme of study, including short term training programs under ACB. Further a student who is with in the process of taking admission in the ACB, although not yet admitted, shall be treated for the purpose of these regulations as a student, where any incident of sexual harassment takes place against such student.
Teachers: includes any person on the staff of the ACB, who is appointed to a teaching post, whether full time, temporary, ad-hoc, part-time, visiting, honorary, or on special duty and shall include employees employed on a casual or project basis.
Non-Teaching Staff: includes any person on the staff of the ACB, who is not included in the category of teacher. It shall also include contract workers and daily wagers.

Formation of ICC
Working Rules of ICC
University Ordinances