Accessibility Advantage |
The college is located in the heart of Ballabgarh city at Tigaon Road. There are innumerable industries in
Ballabgarh itself and its surrounding areas, such as Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad. Some of the
establishments are of international repute and are exporting goods to many countries of the world. These
and other related factors provide very good employment opportunities to the qualified and trained
young men and women. Similarly, opportunities to start one's own business ventures/establishments are
also in plenty. |
Language Lab |
We are running a language lab in the college for grooming and enhancing the communication skills (listening and speaking), of our students, which is considered the life blood for surviving in the present cut throat competitive world. This facility is provided by competent and motivated faculty using latest audio and visual aids, conducting role-plays, mimes, debates, group discussions etc. The element of personality development is in-built in the very structure of the course. A diploma certificate by the college is awarded to the successful candidates. This training is held before and after college hours and during off-periods of the students. The college charges a very nominal fee and that too for meeting the maintenance expenses. |
Kul Vyavastha (Personal Mentoring) |
This is a unique feature of our institution for providing mentoring and counseling to the students at
personal level so that apart from education they could be provided friendly support in coping with the
other societal challenges. Each teacher is entrusted with the responsibility of mentoring two groups of
students. Each group comprising of 20-25 students. It develops a very personal relation between the
mentors and the pupils which contributes immensely in creating, at multiple levels an affable
environment in the campus; motivating the students on
various fronts; improving their in and out-class conduct &
performance. |
Computer Literacy |
The students pursuing humanities course (B.A.) are imparted basic functional computer literacy course. A certificate is awarded to the successful candidates. |
National Service Scheme (NSS) |
There are 3 NSS units in our college which are being taken care of by Mrs. Kiran Anand in Girls' Wing, Dr. Ajit Yadav in the Boys' Wing and Mrs. Rekha Sain in the Self-Finance Wing. These units participate and organize many community development programs like literacy, pulse polio, tree plantation, awareness drives on sanitation, health awareness camps and environment pollution control drives. These volunteers have significantly contributed in annual Blood Donation Camps in the college. Various activities like essay writing, slogan writing, declamation and talks by distinguished persons are also organised under it from time to time. |
National Cadet Corps (NCC) |
Dr. Yogesh Goel is the incharge of NCC unit of our college. Our NCC cadets take part in the Republic and Independence Day parades. Our cadets take part in various National camps (Naval Wing) too. |
Youth Red Cross (YRC) |
It is a based on fundamental principles with the theme of “Power of Humanity.” Under its banner, youth is being trained on different issues such as humanitarian values, impartiality, voluntary service, climate change, disaster risk reduction, road safety, hygiene and sanitation. |
Red Ribbon Club |
The Red Ribbon Club of the college organises Blood Donation Camp and Awareness Programmes on against AIDS/ HIV from time to time with the cooperation of the Rotary Club, Lions Club and the District Administration. |
Intach Young Heritage Club |
Under the convenership of Dr. Jay Pal Singh, a 'Intach Young Heritage Club' was formed consisting of 100 students of History Department. The aim of this club is to generate awareness among masses for the preservation of our national monuments. This club organizes various painting and debate competitions on the theme of art, culture & historical importance.This club also organizes tours to places of historical importance. |
Proactive Career Counseling and Placement Cell |
We have very active Career Counseling and Placement Cell that consistently provides guidance to students and updates them about various career and job avenues. |
Industrial Linkages |
We have various linkages with industries which help in identifying job avenues for our students and the newer skills required by the industry so that these could somehow be included in their curriculum at the college level. |
Science, Management and Computer Forum |
Under the directions of Haryana's Science and Technology Department, a Science Forum of 30 students from B.Sc. are enrolled every year under the supervision of Dr. Poonam Anand. The Science Day is celebrated in the month of February and the college also organizes various activities from time to time at Inter College level .
A District level Science Quiz Competition was held on the
guidelines of Haryana State Council for Science and Technology
by Science Forum. Similarly Mgmt. Forum and Computer Forum
keep on organising Quiz Contests, Paper Reading Contests,
Extempore, Debates etc. throughout the year to keep students
updated about current environmental issues. |
Interface with Eminent Achievers from Various Fields |
Leaders and achievers from various fields - e.g. public services, community development, human rights,
women's rights, civil society (voluntary organizations), environment etc. - are invited frequently for an
interface with the faculty and the students thus making them aware about current problems and issues. |
Women Cell |
The College has a Women Cell that has been actively functioning for many years. It disseminates information and generates awareness among the girl students on various women related issues. Various experts are invited for sharing their expertise with the students.
This cell also endeavors to make the male students gender-sensitive, tries to sensitize them about changing gender roles, motivates them for self-introspection so that they could free themselves of patriarchal biases and prejudices and thus tries to promote gender equality.
Interface with Eminent Achievers from Various Fields : Leaders and achievers from various fields - e.g. public services, community development, human rights, women rights, civil society (voluntary organizations), environment etc. - are invited frequently for an interface with the faculty and the students thus making them aware about current problems and issues. |
Exposure Excursions, Educational & Industrial Visits |
The students are often taken on exposure excursions to make them familiar with the working and procedures of various departments e.g. police, municipal corporation, water supply, food and public distribution department, consumer court etc. for promoting the sense and spirit of active citizenship among them. They are also taken for educational visits to places of historical significance and important heritage sites. The students of vocational courses are taken to various industries so that they could understand various aspects e.g. production, planning, progress monitoring, marketing etc. and subsequently prepare themselves for their future careers.
In-House Magazine |
In order to provide a proper medium for a free, frank and full expression of literary cravings of the youth, College Magazine "Srot" is published every year. The magazine also makes available to the students an opportunity to pursue and develop lasting interest in the art of creative writing. |
Students' Council |
Though student union elections are officially banned in the state, the college has devised the provision of forming a students council comprising of the achievers of various fields-education, sports, cultural activities etc., so that they could acquire the necessary skills of identifying their problems, articulating them, getting these solved with their own active participation, developing the sense of active citizenship and community leadership. |
Alumni Association |
Alumni are important stakeholders and an active alumni association ensures that they participate in developing the college by providing inputs at various levels. Our Alumni Association extends suggestions, financial support and other such benefits to the needy meritorious students. |
Community Development Initiatives |
Apart from NSS work, our students usually adopt some backward colonies and organize literacy classes, disseminating health awareness, arranging for free education to the poor and needy students by persuading various educational institutions of the city . Our students are motivated to inculcate the spirit of voluntary community work so that they can effectively contribute towards nation building. |
Medical Facility |
The College has two medical rooms manned by qualified doctor and one paramedic with all the necessary basic equipments and medicines for providing healthcare facility to the students and teachers. Each student undergoes a mandatory medical check-up at the time of admission. |
Eco Club |
Eco club in our College was established in 2009. This club aims at creating awareness regarding carbon
emission and climate change. It encourages the students to plant more and more trees to make our
enviornment pollution free and eco- friendly. |
Remedial Coaching Classes |
Such students of IInd year and IIIrd year who are
placed under compartment in their respective annual
examination are provided ten days capsule course for
preparing them for supplementary examination. |
Computer Labs |
We boast of 10 computer labs with latest technology including Dual Core, Internet and Multimedia
environment. Different types of softwares are also available in the Labs. For programming languages
including Oracle, C, C++, Java, Windows XP, MS-Office 2007, Visual Fox Pro Linux/Unix. Computer labs
are fully air-conditioned, highly spacious and provide a rich environment for healthy interaction
between teachers and students. The College has its own Broadband connection which provides 24 her
internet access to the students. In addition to it, the College has more than 300 computers which have
latest configurations. |
Induction Ceremony |
To acquaint the freshers with the course and
institution, Induction Ceremony is a regular feature in
the beginning of the session. |
Career and Employment Enhancement
Programme (CEEP) |
In Order to broaden the horizon of learning of
students beyond the university curriculum with
the objective of enhancing employability of the
students, the college has planned to start the
above mentioned programme in collaboration with NIIT. The programme will focus on
developing and augmenting the following :
Communication Skills
Technical Skills
Personal Development
Overall employability
Course duration :
For 3rd Year Students : Two Semesters
For 2nd year Students : Four Semesters
For 1st Year Students : Six semesters |
Incentive to the Meritorious Students |
Every year the toppers of all the classes are honoured for their performance on the occasion of the
Annual Prize Distribution Function. Similarly, the achievers in the fields of sports and cultural activities,
NSS/NCC/INTACH/Women Cell/Science Forum etc. are also provided incentives for motivating them to
continue their good work. Awards are given to the following :
1. Best PG student Male
2. Best PG student Female
3. Best UG student Male
4. Best UG student Female
5. Best Actor
6. Best Actress
7. Best Singer
8. Best NCC Cadet
9. Best NSS Volunteer
10. Best Dancer
11. Best Artist
12. Best Speaker
13. Best in Poetic Reciation |
Fully Wi-Fi Campus |
Our College is fully Wi-Fi enabled campus with 2 MB bandwidth leased line, allows convenient, widely
available, high-speed access to Internet at any place and time in the campus. It offers students the
facilities of e-mail, net surfing, up/down loading of web-based application, besides helping them in
preparing projects & seminars. The Internet access is provided to the students with colossal filtration
using Firewalls so that only the educational sites may be accessed. |
Auditorium |
To facilitate organizing of conferences, carnivals and
large-scale congregations within the Campus,
Aggarwal College has a well-planned air-conditioned
seminar hall in the college building that can
accommodate over 200 people and a huge Indoor
Auditorium that can house over 400 people |
Smart Class Room |
Our College is committed to support students with
Smart Classrooms which include all the necessary
equipments to connect to the Internet, and display presentation material on a permanent screen using
a ceiling mounted projector. These types of rooms are equipped with various devices such as :
Projectors, Workstations with Internet Connections, Sound Systems, Document Cameras, Wireless
Mice, Interactive Whiteboards, Media Control Systems. |
Add-On Courses |
The College runs the following Add-on Courses under UGC
Scheme :
Accounting on Computers
2. Functional English
3. Web Designing and Office Automation
4. Computer Hardware and Maintenance
5. Accountancy and Tax Procedure
6. Retail Marketing |
Counseling Desk |
There is a counseling desk in the college. Students or their parents willing to get any information
regarding various courses and scope of these courses may contact the members of counseling desk. |
Book Bank |
The system of book bank has been institutionalized under which the students are provided text books by the
college at the commencement of the session, which they are supposed to return at the conclusion of the
academic session . |
Admission Grievance Redressal Cell |
After the merit list has been displayed, students or their parents can approach this cell for any kind of
enquiry concerning their candidature in the merit list. This cell has complete record of data concerning
the merit list. The grievance of students will be settled on the spot. |
Gym |
The college has a well equipped gym where the students can go during their off periods and undertake
exercise. Thus habit of regular exercise is inculcated in them. |